Life Span vs. Health Span: Why Living Well Matters More than Living Long
- We all want to live long, but what’s more important is living well and staying healthy. Life span refers to how long you live, while health span is about how long you remain healthy and active. The goal is to maximize your health span, allowing you to enjoy life without being burdened by chronic illnesses—so you can fully appreciate your time with family, your grand kids, your retirement, your golf game, and your travels. The key factors, which I call the CORE, include: 1. Maintaining a healthy diet and nutrition: You'll discover the crucial role of protein in building muscle and supporting your immune system. Did you know we lose about 1% of our muscle mass each year after age 40? 2. Staying active: You'll learn about the two main types of exercise—cardio and strength training—and why it's essential to incorporate both for maintaining a healthy, vibrant life. 3. Getting enough sleep and managing stress: Learn why and how to aim for 7–8 hours of sleep each night to maximize restorative rest and rejuvenate your body and mind.
Don’t just add years to your life—add life to your years. Dr. Jacob can help you craft a personalized plan that focuses on living a healthy, vibrant life.
Call to Action
- Make an appointment with Dr. Jacob to learn more about how to improve your health span
- Talk to Dr. Jacob about personalized longevity strategies and what his practice can offer for you to enjoy leath, productive life.